Need help. Character Skin color looks different in Blender and Unity

Hi guys,

Dose anyone know why my character looks different in Blender and Unity in terms of the skin color.
The first image is from Unity. They both use the same texture, but the skin looks different, the one in blender looks better than that in Unity. I’ve also attached the Material setting in Unity. Please can anyone help with my query? Thank you.


Looks like different lighting.

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Both Blender and Unity use physically based shaders but they are not inter-changeable. What I bet you need to do is go into the shader system and build materials in Unity that do the stuff your Blender shaders did.


I guess you probably right, thanks for your idea.

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Thanks for replying, I guess it’s the shader Mav pointed out.

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The light does look different but it mostly just highlights the loss of bump/normal map details. Check that out and post a picture once you get it solved.


Thanks for pointing out the direction, I’ll try to solve it at some time. Still busy with learning Unity. I just love both game developing and modelling.

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