NavMesh Agent doesn't rotate while chasing - common reasons?

Hiya folks,

I’m following the FPS tutorial in the classic Unity 3D complete course, and I’ve gotten to the NavMesh Agent.

I got to a certain lecture, then realized my NavMesh agent isn’t turning the Enemy object at all! The enemy chases me just fine, but never changes rotation.

I tried replaying the lecture 6.8 where we “see” the enemy turn with the Dalek nose, but my enemy isn’t turning - I don’t think I’ve done anything special, and I’m just picking through the code and components to see if I’ve screwed up anything… anyone know of common areas or trip-ups that would screw up NavMesh rotation?

A common cause would be that the agent is not on the model so the object the agent is on rotates, but that’s not the model so the model doesn’t. Can you show the enemy hierarchy as well as the object the NavMeshAgent is on?

Thanks @bixarrio - I figured out what it was!

My animator was overriding the rotation of the asset, since I’d keyframed some of my rotation in the chasing clip - I think I know how to attack this now. :slight_smile:

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