Myan Pyramid with a question

So, I have made my Myan Pyramid. I don’t know why, but I had issues along the whole process. It didn’t come so easy as in the video and in some parts I had to do it “My way” to work, because I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. So I am posting my finished pyramid, but I have a question.
For the stairs I had to make a second face (top) so I could complete a single stair, thus using the array modifier after that. The reason being is that when I extruded the edge it didn’t make a stair like in the video., but only a single front face. Can someone explain why this happened? I have to tell you that my ramp had to be done in a different way than in the video, because I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong.Pyramid

It because of the ramp pull the stairs a little bit up. the ramp went through the the stairs

I made them exactly like in the video. With a vertex of a 0.2 extrude in the Z axis and the ramp shouldn’t have made it through the stairs. Are you suggesting that I start them a bit higher instead from the bottom?


I think i may have found your problem, if it still is. it looks like your stairs may not have been perfectly square. check the, in this case, x aand z axis of the top and bottom of each step

the difference .05 on my z axis makes

Well, I understood what you mean, but I kinda don’t know how to check it :smiley:
But I made a half stair and moved the front face and I received a very funny/interesting thing. I’ve got a second face and now I don 't know what is happening :smiley:

That is odd, it looks like you may have extra vertices you dont want.

Try to delete just the vertices without messing with your geometry. I suggest pressing X or Delete, and then choosing dissolve vertices but be careful, dissolving can have weird effects.
Or even selecting all with A and then removing doubles.

I have finally made the correct pyramid after so many errors and failures I discovered my error. It was a stupid one, but it made my life hell :smiley:
SO here is my finished and correct pyramid

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