My Zombie Runner course project - CODND

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It took me quite a while, but here’s my contribution to the Zombie Runner course. I’m not a huge fan of FPS type games, so I had to take my own spin on this to find inspiration. The result was CODND (short for Call of D&D - kind of cheesy but… yeah). I made the following changes/upgrades in my game:

  • Music and SFX
  • Dynamic music control (different music while in battle)
  • Title and end screens (with difficulty setting and completion time)
  • 3 different enemies - each with 3 attacks and animations
  • Knockback mechanic/animation
  • Alert neighbors mechanic

I have a number of paid assets I’ve acquired through Humble Bundles, so that’s where I got many of my visuals from.

Web version (low quality): by
PC version (higer quality):

PC Screen Shots

Thanks for reading and (hopefully) playing!



Looks more like an Indiana Jones Runner but keep going.
I like it :3

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