So here it is we reached the end of the first game that brought back some nostalgia from my childhood. I wasn’t truely invested in the first few, never really tried in the game design side cause I wasn’t truely interested.
I completed every challenge and with great pride in my self was able to complete most of them.
I got confused some times but re watched and got clarity and every challenge i didn’t know directly used that beautiful link to the unity docs and found my answers.
I loved how at times we got explained to why we are doing things the way we were doing it.
but now Im finshed I look at what can I do with what ive done. how much can I remember and Im afraid ive learnt nothing even though every quiZ i aced and every challenge I beat. I still have this large fear Im not learning enough and that cSharp is just gonna be to hard for me over all.
I dont know what I expect from writing all this but I think it would be nice to hopefully look back in a few sections times and see that maybe my feelings have changed. but its a good way to vent all these feelings that make me afraid to continue.
Is this a normal response? do people always feel like this is just to hard?