My Win screens /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\

the levels:
1.) A cell phone
2.) The Boston Games LLC server
3.) The Universe

Here are my password lists:

string[] level_1_Passwords = { "orange", "apple", "pear", "mango", "watermelon", "grape" };
string[] level_2_Passwords = { "gamer", "massachusetts", "launcher", "startup", "unity" };
string[] level_3_Passwords = { "power", "sociopath", "megalomaniac", "galaxy", "interstellar"}; 

and win screens:

I did not make any of this art myself, all credit to these links - check it out they have TONS of art!

The biggest challenge I had was just finding small enough art to fit in the little terminal screen. I had to adjust some of the art slightly to fit.


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