My Way Point Circuit. its a bit different, hope you like it

Hey guys,
this is my way point circuit. its running super fast at the moment, i hope Ben shows us how to slow it down in the next few videos.
eventually i will have my little Bee flying through the trees trying not to hit them, i may add some killer bees or other bugs to shoot at later.
Good luck to everyone with the rest of the course, i had to remake this level 5-6 times… if i ever have to paint grass or trees again this year will be too soon xD
id like any feed back or comments…
personally i’m not happy with how the water meets the ground, my lighting is all off, id like to add some sun glare but couldn’t work out how to do it, i also don’t like my grass and rock textures and the shape of my hills to name but a few things xD


That is amazing! Great job.

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