My version

Know Python a little, so when heard lection task, paused the video and tried to do it by myself…
Your opinion?

public class PickUp : MonoBehaviour
   public static int countPackage = 0;// Подобранная коробка
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) 

    if (countPackage == 0)
        Debug.Log("You picked Package!");

    }else if (countPackage >= 1)
        Debug.Log("You already picked Package!");


public class Reciver : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) {
       if (PickUp.countPackage == 1)
           Debug.Log("You Delivered package, get ur money and go away.");
       }else if(PickUp.countPackage == 0)
        Debug.Log("Where's pizza?! u don't get any money untill I get ma pizza!");

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Pizza Time :pizza:

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