My version of triplex



void PlayIntroduction(int Difficulty)


std::cout << "if You want to free you friends, play the codez to save are in level "<< Difficulty;

std::cout << "\nif codez is correct then one will be released\n";

std::cout << std::endl;


bool PlayGame(int Difficulty)



//std value needs to find by player

const int CodeA = rand() % Difficulty+Difficulty;

const int CodeB = rand() % Difficulty+Difficulty;

const int CodeC = rand() % Difficulty+Difficulty;

const int CodeSum=CodeA + CodeB + CodeC;

const int CodeProd=CodeA * CodeB * CodeC;

std::cout << "--> There are three numberes in the codez\n";

std::cout << "--> The addition of all codez " << CodeSum << std::endl;

std::cout << "--> The product of all codez " << CodeProd << std::endl;

//guess of playes

int GuessA;

int GuessB;

int GuessC;

std::cin >> GuessA >>GuessB >>GuessC;

std::cout << std::endl;

const int GuessSum=GuessA + GuessB + GuessC;

const int GuessProd=GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

//checking if player got the correct guess

if(CodeSum==GuessSum  &&  CodeProd==GuessProd)


    std::cout << "you saved your friends\nMove on to next level to save the next friend\n\n";

    return true;




    std::cout<< "you murdered your friends\nGiving you a chance to save your friend\n\n";

    return false;



int main()


srand(time(NULL));//creat new random sequence based on time of day

int LevelDifficulty=1;

const int TotalLevel=3;

while (TotalLevel >= LevelDifficulty)


    bool LevelCompleted=PlayGame(LevelDifficulty);

    std::cin.clear();//clear any errors

    std::cin.ignore();//discard any buffers









std::cout<< “Congratulation !!!.. you have saved all your friends :slight_smile: \n”;

return 0;



Thanks for sharing.

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