My version of delivery-driver and lessons learned

I played some of you games you others came up with… and wow! You are some talented folks!
Like some of you, I also did a bit of extra work on my own game, here’s what I was able to come up with:

A few realizations that I came to during my development of this game:
1- Building your portfolio is important. You should document all of your work from this onto your github. Not only is a great medium for sharing the work that you do, but you can toss it onto your resume at some later date to show that you are actively working on your own side projects. Feel free to check out mine for inspiration:

2- You should build your game for webgl and publish it for the world to see. Again, this is great for your portfolio. Take a look at

3- I found a really useful tutorial on using eventing in Unity, it really changed the way I approached building my version of this game: ULTIMATE Event System for Unity Beginners - YouTube. Event-oriented-architectures allow us to keep the game logic more organized and easier to read.

If anyone else has any insights/lessons learned that they would like to share, please do!

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