My version of Crypt Raider

Hey all, cant believe how much this course has taught me, respect to Sam for explaining it so clearly!

Anyway here’s my finished version of Crypt Raider. I added some extra bits such as audio and music. I really enjoyed doing that part. My project ended up kinda hybrid between C++ and Blueprints. I implemented all the C++ stuff in the lessons, but then did audio and UI / Win condition in Blueprints. Still trying to get a grasp on C++ but I still have two sections of this course left.

Here’s a YouTube video:

Here’s the in case anybody was interested in playing:


Dude I think this is amazing and I’m actually wondering how you were able to implement the sprinting and zoom

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I downloaded and played i won :slightly_smiling_face:

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Very nice work. Thanks for sharing!!

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Thanks for playing! I’m quite proud of it lol. Next up is the tank game.

i actually started working on that today stephen is really good at explaining but so was sam.

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Thanks so much Happy! I learned a lot about C++ in this course. But also used Blueprints because I couldnt figure out how to add sounds in C++.

i think in the toon tanks they show that.

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I agree, the tutors are the BEST on here. I find it much easier to follow than some Youtube videos, and the fact there is chapters makes it easy to tackle in smaller chunks.

yeah and youtube videos were good too though i didn’t expect the courses to be this good

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also what did you use to make the door open at the start?

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Thanks for checking out the game and I really appreciate your comment! Here is some of my code below, it was done in Blueprints as I wasn’t sure how to implement these features in C++ yet.

This is the Zoom code, I basically used 2 opposite Timelines from a Action Event to set the Field Of View in and out. The timeline interpolates between the 2 zoom levels so its smooth.

Here is the sprinting code, a lot more simple than the zooming to implement, just have a Keyboard/Action Event to set max walking speed to 1000, and then back down to 600 (default) when releasing the key.

Here is the Blueprints for the door. Its a bit complicated to explain. I basically just used a Custom Event, connected to the Character Blueprint, to trigger the code and rotate the doors when the player presses E. Again I used a Timeline to smoothly blend between the 2 locations, as without a Timeline, the doors immediately jump to their open position. Lastly I added the audio, which plays when the player is inside the zone (box collision) and is pressing E.

Ah thats cool, thats what ill be doing next. Cant wait!

hey so the one iwth the OpenRight and Left door those are built in function sit just has the name of the doors?

The OpenRight and Left are just Timelines that I renamed. The function to actually rotate the doors is the ‘Set relative rotation’ nodes.


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