My use for version control - a small coding exercise

First of all, hi everybody. My name is Daniel and I’m a sound recordist, sound designer from Croatia.

I’m trying to learn coding because I want to become a sound designer for video games and learning coding seems like a logical step towards that goal. And it’s fun, at least for me. I’m 40 years old so learning and obligations tend to mix. I usually work on film and TV sets and projects sometimes last a couple of months. In that period I have very little time to learn, but I find time to practice. So, I decided to make something that would help me repeat the things I’ve learned so far, but not to loose too much time creating a game world.

This repository is the result.

For some reason(I’m doing something wrong in version control software) it doesn’t work properly. You have to import the Test Zone prefab yourself in the hierarchy and the Player prefab(located in Prefabs/Basics). I’ll go over the git course again and find out what I’m doing wrong.

It’s a fairly simple exercise based on the first sections of Unity 2D and 3D courses. You have 10 assignments that cover all the core coding mechanics presented in those sections(at least I think).

  1. Make a move controller for player(X and Z axes only)

  2. Print something on console when colliding with walls and when triggering an object

  3. Make camera follow the player(Use a script, not cinemachine)

  4. Pickup/Deliver/Destroy objects, only possible one object at a time

  5. Increment Score for every succesful delivery, print score on console

  6. Color change each time the player picks up an object and revert the color on delivery

  7. Make pickup objects appear after amount of time passes and make them rotate

  8. Door opens when all pickups are delivered

  9. Speed up upon entering the corridor, slow down upon exiting

  10. Print “Congratulations!” to console when triggering the finish zone

I will continue to work on this as soon as I finish the two other sections of the Unity 2D and 3D courses(Snow Boarder & Project Boost).

If I’m breaking any laws here please notify me and I’ll remove everything. If not, enjoy if this helps you in any way. It really works for me. Every week or so I repeat this exercise and the coding is starting to stick in my, now a bit old and not so plastic, brain.

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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