My Unity Battle Laser Blaster Shooter- Give it a try

Enjoyed this section of the 2d Unity course.

What have I added?
I added tools to add variety to the enemy movement circle, sin waves
Added enemy groups with the ability to rotate them
made it so enemies can spawn debris

Double Lasers

Lots of waves of enemies

I did have the music change on the End bosses but WebGL does not seem to allow this.


Very well done, you did a great job with all the features you added, especially the enemy formations and movement. I liked the “Get Ready” ship and enjoyed getting ready by blowing it away. There were a couple times when it immediately respawned, but I’m going to consider that a feature rather than a possible bug since I got to shoot it a second time.

As for issues I had, my shots felt weaker than I would have liked. The double-laser powerup helped, but that only spawned twice in all my playthroughs. Also the music is too loud and drowns out all the other sounds.

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