My uh... Pyramid

This is my pyramid.

It is true, I did not exactly colour it. I wanted to play with the effects of different light colours to see what this can do for me. I placed a little room on top with no problem getting a proper inward facing effect.

And yes, that is a sofa, a round bar table, and a large chair (hidden behind the wall).

I played around with the extrude tool and had a “Wow” moment. The last time I had one of those was during my Classical Philosophy courses

Slight Philosophical musings...

where everything made sense. Not like the Modern ones, where they pretty much denied everything until existence itself was denied (Maya, by the way, is an apt 3d engine name: it is all an illusion). At least the older philosophy’s tell me that I am using Blender and am not deceived. The other ones would deny there ever was a Blender, or me, or it was all pre-determined to use blender, so I must use it! But I digress…

Here is what I did while playing:

I do not know why, but there is something appealing about a floating ball.



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Good pyramid and interesting extruding doodles. Make some sci fi city out of them!

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Now don’t tempt me, I still have more to learn before I be making cities out of them!

I was looking at making houses before learning about editing… this will certainly save me loads of time.

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