My Typical Block Breaker

Link to!

Just wanted to share the game, because instructors very enthusiastically encouraged to. :slight_smile:
It takes awhile to load, even if the games file size isn’t that large.

Added a few small quality of life updates to it:

  • “Continue” current level button if you lose.
  • Paddle’s width is doubled and also ball’s direction will affect how you hit it with paddle.

I noticed before uploading, when comparing my build to video is that my bricks is slightly smaller even if their size and tiling options is same… is the Unity 5 version to blame? I used Unity 5 to build it.

Unlikely to be the Unity version. You could check the Pixels Per Unit for the sprite(s).

Hello Rob, thanks for the reply.

I checked, the brick sprite sheet (also single sprites) uses 128 pixels per unit. Single sprite size is also 128 x 41 as told in the videos. Game resolution is also 800 x 600.

Well, those bricks small size is not “ruining” the game experience, but it clearly made it harder to play with paddle what were size of a single brick. That is why I doubled the size, so the game would not feel as hard as before. It is interesting though to know what could be the reason for this but not necessary really.

Here is the image from my editor to show the setting. It also shows “Snap Settings” just in case.

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