My TripleX Game --- I added lives

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const void Introduction(unsigned int level, unsigned int &lives);
string GetCodeUser(unsigned int &CodeA, unsigned int &CodeB,unsigned int &CodeC, unsigned int &Sum, unsigned int &Multiply);
string GetCodePrison(unsigned int &CodeA, unsigned int &CodeB, unsigned int &CodeC, unsigned int &Sum, unsigned int &Multiply, unsigned int difficulty);
void PlayGame(unsigned int& Level, unsigned int &Lives);
const void PrintLives(unsigned int Lives);

int main()
    //level that user is currently on
    unsigned int CurrentLevel = 1;

    //final level in the game
    const unsigned int FinalLevel = 10;

    //player lives
    unsigned int Lives = 3;

    while(CurrentLevel <= FinalLevel && Lives > 0)
        PlayGame(CurrentLevel, Lives);

    if(Lives > 0)
        cout << "\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/" << endl;
        cout << "\/\/                    \/\/" << endl;
        cout << "\/\/    YOU ESCAPED!    \/\/" << endl;
        cout << "\/\/                    \/\/" << endl;
        cout << "\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/" << endl;
        cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
        cout << "!                     !" << endl;
        cout << "!      YOU DIED!      !" << endl;
        cout << "!                     !" << endl;
        cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;

    return 0;

const void Introduction(unsigned int level, unsigned int &lives)
    //give background to the game
    cout << "***************************************************************" <<endl;
    cout << "*You are a prisoner in a high facility prison trying to escape*" <<endl;
    cout << "*             *Enter the correct code to escape*              *" <<endl;
    cout << "*                           LEVEL: " << level << "                          *" <<endl;
    cout << "*                       Lives Remaining: " << lives <<"                    *" <<endl;
    cout << "***************************************************************" <<endl;
    cout << "\n";

string GetCodeUser(unsigned int &CodeA, unsigned int &CodeB,unsigned int &CodeC, unsigned int &Sum, unsigned int &Multiply)
    //user guess for the code
    string Guess = "";

    //ask user for a guess & print it
    cout << "Enter your guess: ";
    cin >> Guess;
    //cout << "You Entered: " << Guess << endl;

    CodeA = Guess[0] - '0';
    CodeB = Guess[1] - '0';
    CodeC = Guess[2] - '0';

    Sum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC; 
    Multiply = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC; 

    return Guess;

string GetCodePrison(unsigned int &CodeA, unsigned int &CodeB, unsigned int &CodeC, unsigned int &Sum, unsigned int &Multiply, unsigned int difficulty)
    CodeA = (rand() % difficulty) + (difficulty - 1);
    CodeB = (rand() % difficulty) + (difficulty - 1);
    CodeC = (rand() % difficulty) + (difficulty - 1);

    if(CodeA >= 10)
            //cout << "CA = " << CodeA << endl;
            CodeA = (CodeA - (CodeA % 9)) - (rand() % 3);
        }while(CodeA >= 10);
    if(CodeB >= 10)
            //cout << "CB = " << CodeB << endl;
            CodeB = CodeB - (CodeB % 9) - (rand() % 3);
        }while(CodeB >= 10);
    if(CodeC >= 10)
            //cout << "CC = " << CodeC << endl;
            CodeC = CodeC - (CodeC % 9) - (rand() % 3);
        }while(CodeC >= 10);

    Sum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC; 
    Multiply = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC; 

    cout << "+There are 3 numbers in the code" << endl;
    cout << "+The codes add-up to: " << Sum << endl;
    cout << "+The codes multiply to: " << Multiply << endl;
    cout << "\n";
    cout <<  "Difficulty = " << difficulty << endl;
    cout <<  "Code A = " << CodeA << endl;
    cout <<  "Code B = " << CodeB << endl;
    cout <<  "Code C = " << CodeC << endl;

    string PrisonCode = to_string(CodeA) + to_string(CodeB) + to_string(CodeC);

    return PrisonCode;

void PlayGame(unsigned int& Level, unsigned int &Lives)

    //users code and Sum and Multiply
    unsigned int UserCodeA, UserCodeB, UserCodeC, UserSum, UserMultiply;
    //cout <<  "116 Difficulty = " << Level << endl;

    //Prison  code and Sum and Multiply
    unsigned int PrisonCodeA, PrisonCodeB, PrisonCodeC, PrisonSum, PrisonMultiply;
    //cout <<  "120 Difficulty = " << Level << endl;

    //user and pron code as string
    string UserCode = "";
    string PrisonCode = "";

    bool Incorrect = true;
    bool IncorrectOrder = true;

    while(Incorrect && Lives > 0)
        //function to print the introduction to the game
        Introduction(Level, Lives);
        //cout <<  "133 Difficulty = " << Level << endl;

        //function to get code from the  prison
        PrisonCode = GetCodePrison(PrisonCodeA, PrisonCodeB, PrisonCodeC, PrisonSum, PrisonMultiply, Level);
        //cout <<  "137 Difficulty = " << Level << endl;

        //cout << "Code = " <<  PrisonCode<<endl;

        //function to get code from the user
        UserCode = GetCodeUser(UserCodeA, UserCodeB, UserCodeC, UserSum, UserMultiply);

        //logic---idk what i made
        if(UserSum == PrisonSum && UserMultiply == PrisonMultiply)
            if(UserCode != PrisonCode)
                cout << "So Close!" << endl;
                while(IncorrectOrder && Lives > 0)
                    UserCode = GetCodeUser(UserCodeA, UserCodeB, UserCodeB, UserSum, UserMultiply);
                    if(UserCode != PrisonCode)
                        if(Lives == 1)
                            cout << "So Close!" << endl;
                        IncorrectOrder = false;
                        Incorrect = false;
                cout << "Access Granted!" <<endl;
                if(Lives < 5)
                Incorrect = false;
            cout << "Access Denied!" << endl;


const void PrintLives(unsigned int Lives)
    cout << "***********************" << endl;
    cout << "*                     *" << endl;
    cout << "*  Lives Remaining: " << Lives << " *" << endl;
    cout << "*                     *" << endl;
    cout << "***********************" << endl;

I see you also made it that the code has to be in the correct order as well. Noice.

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I tried your game I don’t understand a few things about your code though, and it got me interested.

I will use your GetCodeUser() as an example:

  • unsigned int &CodeA : I net that unsigned is just a positive number while variable still takes 4 bytes but what does ‘&’ before variable stand for?

  • You use string to store Guess, and then you use CodeA = Guess[0] - '0'; I understand that you substract information from string and it ends up in integer contanairs, but don’t quite know how it happens and why.

I will be glad if you could answear this for me :smiley:

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Yeah so basically what ‘&’ does is that it passes the variable by reference, this means that instead of the compiler making a copy of the variable it takes the actual address of the variable as a parameter, this allows me to make changes to the variable inside the function even if the variable wasn’t declared in the function… hopefully that makes sense.

For the CodeA = Guess[0] - ‘0’ part basically, there is this table called the “ASCII” and all the characters that you can type are on there including backspace, etc. and so basically Guess[0] is a character from the string which then correlates to an ASCII number, and so if i subtract ‘0’ (which is the smallest integer) i basically ‘convert’ (not really convert) a char into an int.

|_ More info on ASCII :


I updated my code because the random number was giving me numbers larger than 9 so I had to debug that and as well I just changed the “You Escaped” message so it actually looks ok when printed… Please ignore all extra comments of code that was just me trying to debug. O and i also added “system(“CLS”)” which just clears the terminal so that if you get two of the same you cant look back and see what you did previously

Thank you.

Hi, welcome to the community!

Nice job implementing that extra feature. Might I suggest changing the section of your thread, this is being posted on the Unity forum, not the Unreal forum, posting in the correct section might increase the interaction with the pertinent community. You can do that by simply editing your post and changing the section with the dropdown menus.

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Thanks for replying, thanks to you I understand bit more about C++ now :smiley:
Using the fact that ASCII indexing numbers after another seems to be usefull in some cases.

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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