My ToonTanks mini game!

I tried to make an interesting and challenging (but doable) ToonTank minigame.


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Detail of the work done

  • Basic score system: You hit an enemy, you get one point, you get hit, you lose one point.

  • Added an EnemyTank Pawn:

    • Mixed the Tank base mesh and Turret upper mesh
    • The tank moves to the player if in sight (used line tracing from previous section) and attack them.
  • Improved Turret behaviour:

    • Added linetracing so that the turret doesn’t shoot if the player is in range but not in sight (ie a wall between them)
    • Smoothed the turret rotation to the player direction with some interp
    • I didn’t like that the fire rate was independant from the player detection. It lead to inconsistent behaviour where sometime the turret would shoot instantly after the player being in range, and sometime wait for a whole 2s before shooting. So I changed that to have a fixed and configurable delay before shooting once the player is detected.
    • Added a sound cue when a turret detects the player to warn them they’re going to be shot at
  • Changes to the player tank shooting:

    • Added a cooldown, with a reloading sound cue
    • Changed the shooting sound
    • Added a custom camshake when shooting
  • Added smoke particle to damaged Pawns as visual cue they have been hit

  • Basic level design

  • Adjustments on enemy and player health, detection range, projectile speed/range

  • Added a background music

  • Added Restart and Quit buttons to the end game widget

Spent time: about 15 hours

Hope you enjoy, now time to move on to simple shooter!


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