My Theme and words

My theme is a computer hacker creating a virtual avatar to interact with the net, much like an old sci-fi Tron approach. So, my words are some of the common MMORPG terms and the player is solving these to break into their respective systems and craft the ultimate avatar.

Easy - The Basics:
Health, Mana, Items, level, gold

Medium - The Roles
Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Archer, Cleric

Hard - The Stats
Wisdom, Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence, Charisma

Nice. Solid Theme!

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Thank you.

Good idea, actually. I like it.

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Thank you. I was a little worried it deviated from the hacker theme too much.

You have to make each exercise your own in the process. Your theme is very original, and takes some distance with the original concept. This can be profitable.

If you want to put some more actual hacking in the plot, you might say the player is trying to hack a MMO account in order to alter datas of some character. Maybe the player tries to boost his own character, or he tries to gimp the character of a person he dislikes, your choice.

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