My tanks are not moving at all... @_@

My tanks are not moving at all, except when they get hit by a cannonball…

I thought it might be due to some component not working, so I reattached them, regenerated both tracks just in case and they still don’t move forwards or backwards. I put a UE_LOG on IntendMoveForward and what I see is that there are two opposing forces, even if I don’t use my controller (the registry with speed 0.000000 changes to 1 when I throttle with the controller:

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


Did you fix this? If not, could you show us your blueprint? I’m guessing its going wrong in the input graph of your tank BP. (Possible calling IntendMoveForward multiple times)

Did you reset your Max Driving Force on the tank tracks? I had to re-attach them to get ticking to work, and took a while to work out that the driving force defaults I had in code were orders of magnitude too low. I set it to 40000000.0 to get it working again.

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Yeah, it was something as stupid as I had way too low power on my tracks… :sweat:

Anyway, I have some things to tweak, my tank runs smooth but it has a hard time turning, and harder to turn left than right. It only turns when already moving at some speed.

Thanks a lot!

Yeah, I had the exact same problem.

My Solution was remove the collision on the tracks and add a new capsule collision mesh on them and then assigned the physics material again. :slight_smile:

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i had this issue with 4.19.1, and i had to add the line Super::TickComponent( DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction); in the tick component

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