My taking on the IsIsogram() method

Here is my implementation of the method IsIsogram(), which I’m not sure if it looks very pretty or efficient. It does work as far as I have tried, but I have the feeling it is not as correct as it should be.

bool FBullCowGame::IsIsogram(FString guess) const
	if (guess.length() <= 1) { return true; }

	TMap<char, bool> LetterSeen;
	for (auto Letter : guess) //for all letters of guess
		Letter = tolower(Letter);
		if (LetterSeen.find(Letter) == LetterSeen.end())
			LetterSeen.insert(std::pair<char, bool>(Letter, true));
			return false;
	return true;

Edit: Okay, just saw the video’s solution, and working with the map is much simpler that I thought (or that it tells you on the references on the internet as I didn’t see one example where it told you you can access maps like that)

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