My take on CYO... O_O

I’m gonna make two games, one is text based, just as the course, and the other is going to be Zelda Dungeon like.

Text based
This is going to be the previous project I didn’t finished and it’s gonna be titled Choose Your Own Copyright Infringement. This is supposed to be a funny thing, silly and non-sensical with lawyers as bad guys and a very special ending, nothing too fancy, I’ll just follow the course.

Zelda Dungeon
In this game you’ll be in a Dungeon, but this is not gonna be text based, imagine A Link to the Past but instead of actually controlling the character you’ll have to choose one of 3 options, move to certain place, attack a certain creature and things like that, there’ll even be a boss battle! The system will need to be far more flexible and it will require a weird movement system or lots of animations, this is gonna be a great challenge!

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