My Spitfire Animation, Feedback Welcome

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If you focus on the bottom of the frame of my Eevee render, after the plane passes, the shadows seemingly fade in. Why does that happen? Just a part of Eevee?
Also, is there a way of creating motion blur in Cycles?
Thank you.


Very nicely done.
I think the Eevee shadow issue, (on the barrels?) is just an Eevee compromise issue.

This might help, end part with the compositor probably.

Eevee is built for render speed.
All items outside the camera view are not used in the calculations.
“If you don’t see it, then don’t render it” approach.

If your airplane is outside the camera view, it also stops casting a shadow.
While it should be there, animation-wise.
There is an Eevee option to increase the camera boundary, with a maximum of 10%.

This happens also when using a mirror object. Mirroring items out side the view.

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