A few things about what I have here:
I have a fairly good amount of traditional education for C++ programming.
I mainly went through this section as a refresher for all the C++ standards and to familiarize myself with Ben’s coding style and mannerisms.
I learned several things in this section that I didn’t know about from my education, which include:
- The auto declaration - Likely avoided by traditional CS professors because they like variables that have specific and known uses
Unreal Coding Standards - Obviously not a priority for a general CS degree. Additionally, it never really occurred to me that there were coding standards outside of the basic C++ ones I was taught.
Syntax editing, i.e. “using FText = std::string;” - Again, portability in code wasn’t a focus of the education because the main idea was to build a strong foundation and understanding of the core concepts of programming in general. It was expected that this foundation would allow students to easily grasp new languages and higher levels of programming logic. My experience with other languages and this course so far have continuously proven that philosophy to be true, for me at least.
Maps - Not really sure why I never heard of these during my programming courses, as they appear to be extremely useful, albeit with slightly specialized situations where they could be useful.
- At this point I don’t feel adding features and fleshing out comments will benefit me for learning, and I’m ready to mosey on over to the Unreal side of the course. I took a few different approaches to the code, but it’s mostly just what we’ve been guided to create.