My solution was way more complex :/

public class PathFinder : MonoBehaviour {

Dictionary<Vector2Int, Waypoint> grid = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, Waypoint>();
[SerializeField] Component startBlock;
[SerializeField] Component endBlock;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

private void LoadBlocks()
    var waypoints = FindObjectsOfType<Waypoint>();
    foreach (Waypoint waypoint in waypoints){
        // overlapping
        // add to dictionary
        bool isOverlapping = grid.ContainsKey(waypoint.GetGridPos());

        if (isOverlapping){
            Debug.LogWarning("Overlapping block: " + waypoint.GetGridPos());
        else {

            grid.Add(waypoint.GetGridPos(), waypoint);



private void ColourTop(Waypoint waypoint){
    if (waypoint.transform.Find("Top") == startBlock.transform.Find("Top"))
        print("Start cube found");

    else if (waypoint.transform.Find("Top") == endBlock.transform.Find("Top"))
        print("End cube found");


So I carried on with where we were and coloured them appropriately as they were found by the path finder. I don’t think it will make a difference overall since we’re simply establishing them in the inspector anyway. Where my code will likely fall down later on is because I added them as Component type rather than Waypoint type. So I’ll modify it to that now and see how I get one going forward.

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