My Solution for the Replay challenge

Please tell me if there’s any problem with it and if the solution could be further optimized.

public class ReplaySystem : MonoBehaviour {

    private const int bufferFrames = 1000;
    private MyKeyFrame[] keyFrames = new MyKeyFrame[bufferFrames];
    private GameManager gameManager;
    private Rigidbody rigidBody;

    private int bufferSize = bufferFrames;
    private int lastRecordedFrame = 0, nextRecordedFrame = 0;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
        rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        gameManager = FindObjectOfType<GameManager>();
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update ()
        if (gameManager.recording)

    void PlayBack()
        rigidBody.isKinematic = true;

        if (Time.frameCount < bufferSize || 
            (lastRecordedFrame != 0 && lastRecordedFrame < bufferSize))
        {//Never reached the end of the cycle
            bufferSize = Time.frameCount;
            lastRecordedFrame = Time.frameCount;

        int frame = Time.frameCount % bufferSize;

        print("Reading frame: " + frame);
        transform.position = keyFrames[frame].position;
        transform.rotation = keyFrames[frame].rotation;

    void Record()
        bufferSize = bufferFrames;
        rigidBody.isKinematic = false;
        nextRecordedFrame = Time.frameCount;

        if (lastRecordedFrame > 0)
            nextRecordedFrame = lastRecordedFrame++;

        int frame = nextRecordedFrame % bufferFrames;
        print("Writing frame: " + frame);
        keyFrames[frame] = new MyKeyFrame(Time.time, transform.position, transform.rotation);
/// <summary>
/// A structure for storing time, position and rotation
/// </summary>
public struct MyKeyFrame
    public float frameTime;
    public Vector3 position;
    public Quaternion rotation;

    public MyKeyFrame(float t, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
        frameTime = t;
        position = pos;
        rotation = rot;
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