My solution for Protecting Against NaN

For the mini challenge, setting a simple ‘return;’ hadn’t crossed my mind. Instead, I decided to create a function to catch values zero and lower, and handle them in a less direct way.

Essentially, I decided to reset any values close to 0 by resetting it to the default value in code (2f); additionally, I decided to make any negative values positive, by setting them to their absolute value.

(In retrospect, I was a little tired when I did this, and have now realized that it could possibly throw off some split-hair oscillations that may require a negative period value. Learning adventures! Woo!)

Code ensues.

private void PeriodNaNCatcher()
    if (period == Mathf.Epsilon)
        period = 2f;

    else if (period < Mathf.Epsilon)
        period = Mathf.Abs(period);
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