My Solo Challenge

Relatively easy challenge as the code works and it only took about 10 minutes. The hardest part was deciding and implementing the check input. The reason for this difficulty with this came from my lack of knowledge of how to create lists. After looking in the docs, I was able to create a basic list to hold my words like so: List<string> oneWords = new List<string> { "books", "library" }; After figuring out the list, it was very easy to finish up functionality and continue onward. Unfortunetly, I feel he might use a different method and I might end up backtracking on my code to better suit the rest of the course.

Edit: Actually, my code was fairly similar to his and I am using password as a list instead of a simple string. The next video is covering arrays so I feel confident with this choice. The biggest difference between the video and my code was that I was using different lists instead of defining one list.

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