When i added the effector my character just started to shake and i dont know what i did wrong i followed the video, can someone also tell me how to get rid of this sprite in the background of my game.
What sprite in the background do you mean?
Usually, sprites are either assigned to a SpriteRenderer component or an Image component. If you see a sprite in the scene that is not supposed to be there, check all game objects in the Hierarchy. If you still cannot find it, disable all game objects and enable them again to see if the unwanted sprite disappears/reappears when you disable/enable a specific game object.
Its something where the sprite is in the background like in the picture as is it was in the game but you cant remove it or do anything with it because it doesn’t exist, its ok though i just put a cloud over it and it doesnt show anymore, thanks anyway
If the sprite reappears, could you please share a screenshot of it?
And is the sprite only visible in the scene window or also in the game window? Some things are so-called gizmos. Or outlines, for example, of the camera viewport box. They are visible because they are enabled in the Gizmos menu but they are not part of your actual game.