My simple shooter mega challenge showcase

Finally, successfully manage to finish the course. It was a great journey.

I have implemented Main Menu, Pause Menu, Graphics Quality Switch, Exit Game, First Person Perspective, and enemy counter in the simple shooter project

here is the showcase youtube video


Congratulations on finishing the course!

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Looks great :sunglasses:. Well done!!!

When I get to those lessons I hope mine looks half that good!

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Thanks. Don’t forget to show us your game!

Oh man, after seeing your demo, I won’t embarrass myself by posting an attempt :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

In the meantime, I have the excuse of only being 1/2 way through the “Toon Tanks” lessons and still finishing up “Building Escape”. With a new computer soon and Christmas on the way it won’t be sometime in January before I start.

But after seeing your showcase can’t wait until I start :sunglasses:. And you have given me something to aim for in terms of quality!


Hi. Great work on your own Simple Shooter game. May I know how to implement Main Menu and Pause Menu? Been struggling about this.

Looks amazing!! Great work! I really like the first person perspective switch! did you do this with c++? if so I would love to see the code, if you wouldn’t mind sharing :smiley:

Again, looks freaking awesome!

Hi I found some good youtube videos and followed them and it worked.
here are the links:

I have also adjusted some Blueprint code for Widget & game focus

Hope this will help you and good luck with your project.


I implemented it using quick small blueprint code but you can use c++ as well.
here is the youtube video i follow


Thanks mate for the video tutorial link.

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I would also like to say thanks for the links as well - these will be a great help when I eventually get to these lessons.

Thanks again mate!

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Thanks so much for sharing!!! Take care!

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