My script: Only parent uses script, and checks children

I made my script back when it was first made, because I’m using different assets from the asset store, and I couldn’t figure out how to break apart the effects to use like they were being used in the lecture. So instead, I simply put the effects in as children, and had the gameObject check the children for any alive particle systems. When none are found, then it destroys the gameObject.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RPG.Core
    public class DestroyAfterEffect : MonoBehaviour
        private bool isAlive = false;
        void Update()
            Component[] particleSystems = null;
            // check for children particle systems
            if(GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>() != null)
                particleSystems = GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
            // check for component particle system
            if(GetComponent<ParticleSystem>() != null)
                particleSystems = particleSystems.Append(GetComponent<ParticleSystem>()).ToArray();
            // loop through particle systems to see if any are alive
            foreach(ParticleSystem system in particleSystems)
                    isAlive = true;  // if they are, set isAlive to true
            // if isAlive remained false destroy this object
            if(isAlive == false)
                isAlive = false;  // otherwise, reset isAlive back to false for next check

This can be simplified a bit…

List<ParticleSystem> particleSystems = new List<ParticleSystem>();
void Awake()
     foreach(ParticleSystem system in GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>())
         particleSystems.Add(system); //components in root will be swept up in this

void Update()
    foreach(ParticleSystem system in particleSystems)
         if(system!=null && system.IsAlive()) return;

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