My Realm Rush game

Here is the link:

Some features I added:

  • The enemy ram will move slower when they are getting too close, this helps get rid of the enemy-overlapping problem most of the time.
  • The enemy routes are randomized each path search. So the player cannot predict how the enemies are going to approach so it adds some more fun and challenge.
  • The tower price goes up every time a tower is built to add some challenge.
  • Sound effects & visual effects

Enjoyed this class and had a lot of fun making this game!


Phenomenal job with the features you added!

Thank you Kevin!

Awesome work @Stacy_Gao, you’ve really taken this project to the next level!

I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed this section, if definitely shows in your final project.

I love your lighting choices and the additional UI elements really help to communicate the goal to the player. The extra pathfinding elements are also really cool and add a nice bit of extra challenge to the early game.

Keep up the great work!

Thank you, Gary! I am glad you like my work. I am grateful for this class. I learned a lot from it (pathfinding, post-processing… so much good stuff!) XD

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