It’s funny you’d invoke the idea of an instructor going step-by-step through what they’re teaching – as though I’ve been put off by the thoroughness of what’s here. Haha. Quite the opposite. It is Stephen and Toon Tanks’ frequent failure to lay the ground work for its concepts, before thrusting them upon the student as a mindless exercise of “type what I type,” that has landed this project in my recycle bin, with just 90 minutes of course left to go.
I encourage you to revisit the chapter I cited above… the one that finally, fully, off-boarded me. My guess is, that chapter is lifted straight from the original incarnation of Toon Tanks. I can’t imagine it having been worse, or that this is somehow a “fixed” version of it! There is NO teaching in that third of an hour. It’s “type what I type,” front to back.
And just to make sure we all agree: Reading aloud from a two-line summary in the documentation, before having the student follow along in their IDE, is NOT teaching. Proper instruction gives context and explanation, not just usage. It builds up to complexity, by establishing conceptual groundwork. A proper lesson plan, in fact, is built from its end, to its beginning. You know what you will teach on the first day, by knowing what it is you want to BE ABLE to teach on the last day.
There is nothing so thoughtful to be found in Toon Tanks – even the v2.
That said, I can at least acknowledge the first half as… passable. Not great. But, you get by. Though I don’t give Stephan much credit for that! The early material being easy and familiar is doing most of the lifting, there, I think.
You don’t get a sense for just how bad the instruction is, until you hit the complex stuff, later… Like delegates and the damage network. It’s the stuff that REALLY needs a good overview and groundwork, before you just start cramming it in there, that - in Toon Tanks - just gets crammed in there.
Acknowledging it as passable, even the first half suffers wherever a shade of complexity enters. That section on Forward Declarations, right at the beginning, foreshadowed how bad the instruction would get. And the TSubClassOf chapter was as illegible.
Basically, if the concepts are complex enough that they truly require a clear explanation, or if they need groundwork to have been laid previously – the course just doesn’t work, at that spot. Stephan reads from the documentation, and then we all type what he types.
The nearer to the end you get, the more of this you butt heads with. Until, at last, you’re 14 minutes into a 20 minute chapter that’s nothing but “type what I type,” and you’ve had enough.