My randomly spawning warehouse of destruction

I wanted to add a random element to my game so I designed the shelves to each have a number of open spots and to spawn from a list of items. Some of the items were too small so they had to be collected into a spawning pile first. This can be seen with the tires and smaller canisters. Lastly both the barrels and the tires have a randomisation added to their rotation and also to their materials so they do not all look alike.

These are the shelf spawn locations.

This is the shelf blueprint.

Lastly I added a fire sound for the projectile.

Let me know what you think of my version of the project.


This is awesome! How did you learn the spawn randomization part?


Well, that’s one way to do it. :joy:

You might want to check out mesh sockets. :grin:


I went with a random option branch node in the blueprint. The spawning code after that is just like the code taught in the lectures. The spots on the shelves are just objects (standard cubes) that have mesh and collision disabled.

The post from @SteveMerritt suggests there may be another way to achieve the same goal.

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I will have a look at that option. Thanks mate.

This is a super creative and clever technique to use in the level! And its so great to see it being used in other designer’s levels. Also the info about sockets from @SteveMerritt is some really great info as well. Thanks for showing us how it was made, wonderful job.


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