My rabbit step by step


Head done


Body done

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Now the hair


Scissor accident

First brush

Made scruffy again


And just for fun. Trying out hairdressing with long hair - a case of “don’t change your dayjob”

Quite liking this exercise, also since I do sculpting in RL and wanting to do digital sculpting was a reason I wanted to learn Blender.


Very good job on modelling.
I had the same hair problems with the ears, clothing hairs.
And I like your eyes too.
Well done.

Thanks. For the eyes I made a copy of the spheres and defines a cilinder to go through them. Then I added a substract Boolean on one and an intersect on the other. That way I could give the two a different colour.

Very nice job! Has to agree, you did very nicely with the modeling and eyes

1 Like

Good work, I love the mesh !


That is a fantastic model! Great work, and I love the eyes too!

I really struggled with the ears, I couldn’t figure out how to get that kind of wrap around at the base. how did you model the ears?

Thanks. The ears were quite a bit of work and I did a lot of detail sculpting there to get the shape right. Both from the outside as well from inside the model. I also had a lot of reference material and it helps to know RL sculpting.

On 29-12-16, 07:45 Ben Keene <> wrote:


December 29

That is a fantastic model! Great work, and I love the eyes too!

I really struggled with the ears, I couldn't figure out how to get that kind of wrap around at the base. how did you model the ears?

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August 16
Now the hair Ehhhh[image] Scissor accident[image] First brush[image] Made scruffy again[image]

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