My queen is strange and i don't know what is happening

I don’t know if i have made some mistake with bevel tool or did another thing that gone wrong.

But i checked if the faces are with normals flipped, but everything was blue.

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Well i believe that everything is fine. It was just something wrong with my light or material.


Weird, glad it sorted out.


Check for internal (hidden faces).
Check for edge loops or vertices too close to each other.
Because they will influence the face smoothing.

It looks like inverted normals, but you already checked that.


I believe i ran into this issue myself modeling the bishop, i believe it was due to moving edge-loops instead of sliding them. I think moving them kind of smashed the geometry together while loop sliding would redistribute the geometry properly. Cant say if this is cause but it helped on my end.


You can dissolve (delete) edge loops and add new ones too (Ctrl r).
Combined with scaling you can try to recreate your mesh.

It’s also advised, for starters, to save a copy regularly.
Especially when doing destructive processes.


That makes sense. My pc was broke, and now i can return to the chess project(thanks to one drive) Thank you guys.


I feel the pc problems, but we can make it work right. Good luck, i enjoyed the chess set and currently working on lamp cant wait to see you catch up

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