My prototype - School hallway

Well I tried to go on some RPG school theme, so the camera is more like seeing things from the back head of the player and less from a top so you can see all the view in front of you (future levels may need to use different camera if decided on a little special creative levels taking the player out of the normal formula of the game)

Added some materials on the objects of the game only so I can see them as “what they are” (lol as much as it can be).

Still need to work on the lightning and add it not from a “sun” scoure but more like spotlights that Ben and Rick introduced in project boost in Unity Course 2.0.

So guys what you think? would really like to hear your honest opinion even it is harsh.

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Dude really nice character and I like the idea of the school theme, not I think you see every day :wink:
Are you gonna make some speels or just and melee combat system?

Thank you!
The character design is what comes from Unity mostly put out to have a placeholder to test things from the code until I will create something my self (also taking the Blender course here).
For the combat system, I don’t think magic will work for my idea of a world but will think about it as for now I’m keeping it a melee combat.

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