My Project Boost - "The Rocket Zone"

My version of Project Boost - “The Rocket Zone”

10 Levels
Hoping to add intro vid and splash screen soon

Really enjoying these courses and have more to come.

Thanks to Ben and Rick



Was very cool, I loved how the levels where some upside-down and on the side and wow it was excellent. One thing though was that the controls were sometimes reversed and it made it difficult to steer the rocket. All in all a great game. I would just look at a few of the levels with the reverse controls and try and debug it.

Thank you very much for your comments

Good spot with the controls! The sideways levels I need to adjust them, I must have rotated the rocket on the wrong axis while trying to rotate the whole level around.

Thanks for playing!

Updated! Level 3 was the culprit.

Hadn’t rotated the x axis 180

Thanks again!

Edit: Updated Level 6, same issue, both upside down, rotated 180.

Lol I did the same when I was moving and rotating stuff for Project Boost, controls got all wonky and needed to be adjusted.

Played through all the levels, really liked the difficulty. As someone who usually likes to utilize gravity to my advantage with these kind of games, having it turned all the way down like you did really made me play a bit differently.

A couple notes:

  1. There are two levels in the middle that felt sort of like their difficulty was reversed - I believe it was the level with the 3 pillars oscillating vertically in the middle, and the one after it. Or perhaps before it, I’m sorry I don’t remember the order - but one felt a bit harder than the other which came after. May have just been me though, it wasn’t like a completely drastic reversal of difficulty. Maybe just check it out to see if you can feel it too or if it feels fine, in which case you can ignore this. :slight_smile:

  2. This may be intentional, but want to make sure you know your background ambiance sound doesn’t loop. For the first sound you use it’s generally long enough for it to not matter, but partway through the game when you switch to a deep rumble the clip is noticeably shorter and almost always ended while I was working my way through, leaving me in silence. Perhaps that’s the intention, but if not maybe just loop that one? If you do I’d maybe turn it down a little, the deep rumble makes it more overwhelming than the distant noise of the first sound you used.

  3. For this level I cheesed it by going up and over - the blocks don’t go oscillate all the way to the top and gave me plenty of room along the top to just fly around them. Also maybe intentional, but it made it a lot easier than I’m guessing it was supposed to be.

Otherwise I really liked the tight controls of the rocket, and you did a good job with the hitbox of it as there were a few moments I was skimming an edge like “No no no no nooooo” and made it out alive, which felt really good.

Thanks for letting us play!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Great feedback.

  1. I was trying with those middle levels to change the pace & difficulty at the same time. Forcing the player to be more clinical with the movement, and with a higher margin for error (multiple walls). I probably could do that with more of a gradual gradient, in a full version.

  2. I changed the music intentionally halfway through the game, the idea being once you’ve past halfway a more ominous tone adds to nerves and atmosphere, but I needed to increase the difficulty drastically for that to hit home, also smoother transition between tracks. (I will eventually make my own music)

  3. That was intentional again (final level), but I was in two minds. I wanted players to feel overwhelmed at first but then realised there are shortcuts or safer routes in the levels. Like in Dark Souls, overwhelming at first, then when you return to the level it appears much easier. More an idea that again needs revising.

I was trying to fit ideas in the game, for what I could or would do ideally in future versions, span over 3 to 5 stages and each stage having 10 levels each.

I’m going to go back and flesh it out to a full puzzle game I think. Build a clean difficulty curve and refined transition in atmosphere. Including enemies and items to pick up before you can hit the final platform.

Thanks again for your feedback.
Finishing the other games on the course but will definitely come back and finish this one.

Thanks for playing


P.S. This is one the first games I’ve ever made so plenty to learn.

Reverse controls? Could be a great mechanic. Like a mirror level or something, everything working backwards. Great backdrop btw.

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