My procedural wood material

Learned a ton in this section, its definitely more difficult as the course progresses, but I’m glad i’ve been able to follow along without too many problems. I just wish I was better at understanding math for the vector math etc. I watched the whole Understanding Math For Games tutorial a few months ago and it helped me a little, but just so much stuff to have to understand.

Here is a render of my wood material:


Wow, great material. Store it in your assets!

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Very cool and authentic

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Thanks Pete! I am now understanding how flexible procedural texturing can be versus image based. We can adjust every part of the texture for different models. Up to now I’ve just used images and UV maps.

I’m up to the bricks part of the tutorial now, learning a lot but gives me a headache sometimes lol. So much math to take in.

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Thank you Kato!

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Looks great to me!

Out of interest, is it possible to create a heightmap from this to add profile? (@FedPete ) Well, the course is on my to-do list.

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Yeah the height map is part of the material, it’s just my render doesn’t really show it off the best due to the angle and lighting, however the bump/normal isn’t strong but quite subtle.


Do you mean some bump map?
Yes, if you can color a face (wood structure), it could be input for a bump-node.


Great result.

Nice Work!!

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