My pose didnt saved in pose library?


I’m currently doing an animation in Blender 2.80, but i have a problem here about pose library

I made a pose, and i tried to save it on pose library. But when i reset the pose and apply my saved pose in pose library, why my character’s bone didn’t follow to the pose i applied ?

And only left fingers that follow to the posed i applied

Here is the video of the problem i encountered

Pose Library Problem

And i have sanitized the pose action, but still it didn’t work. I have no idea why it’s happen

Sanitize but still didn’t work

I’m sorry for my bad english, hope you guys have a fantastic day :smiley:

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Where and in what course is this used? I noticed you are using an old version 2.8 of Blender, whatever the issue is it may be solved by updating that.


What I can remember is that you need to select all bones into the pose.
You did that, as we can see in the video.
But you say only the fingers are stored.
Looks like a problem with blender.

Did you try to start a fresh new Blend file and APPEND (import) your model object and armature? This way you remove previous tryouts and BVlender setting in error.


Hello, sir

no sir, i’m currently didn’t follow any tutorial about pose library (tbh, i’m in the middle of lecture 111 weight painting in Blender Character Creator Course for Video Game Design course from GameDev)

Perhaps i will pass to updating the version, i only have potato pc for work as 3D and still saving to upgrade :smile:

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Hi, sir

i’ve tried as you suggest (i forgot that we could append our model too :laughing: ), but still didn’t solved

i don’t know what i’m doing before to cause this problem. But luckily i could store my pose as a keyframe in action editor

I guess i should be careful with what im doing on next project to avoid this problem

Thank you so much, sir. Love to discuss with you guys :smile:

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This solution is the way to go in the Blender 3.3.0 versions.
In that version the pose library doesn’t exist any more.
A pose is now an asset in the asset library.

Maybe it is a good idea to jump over to the 3.3.0 version?

Good luck, you have a nice project on your hands!


I will, sir :slight_smile:

Hope i have enough saving soon to upgrade my pc

Thank you so much, sir :smiley:

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You can install a newer version besides your old old (haven multiple Blender versions working). With the 3.3.x you have the new Cycles-X, which is faster. Maybe less need for an upgrade. I use also a simple laptop. Enough for studying Blender.

Have fun

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