My poor pc really handheld well this renders

I am basically from 2D background but I have started learning blender recently so this is what my first approach , and I am really so happy to share this renders


Really is great that Blender does all the ‘painting’ once you have the models made. So easy to do another view.

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… select an object (sphere) with the right mouse button and select smoothing.

You’re on the right track!

which setting makes the object transparent?

Basically its Transmission on Principled BSDF shader:

You can also experiment with IOR, it is the ability of the medium to bend light: Refractive index - Wikipedia
For glass its 1.5. You can find nice reference on it here:
IOR / Index of Refraction List - Pixel and Poly

This is from Cycles, and it just works “natively”. To make it work in Eevee, you need some more settings, in the render settings you need Screen Space Reflections and Refraction ticked there:

And it still wont cut it, as you need to tick Screen Space Refraction in a material itself:

(Also, blend mode cannot be Alpha Blend, but that is secondary as its by default set to opaque)


thaank you for this great explanation!


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