My playable Glitch Garden game

Here is the link:

In this game, I have not introduced any new animations or new enemies or buildings. Five levels were made.
I made the main emphasis on parsing and studying the code (syntax and structure, connections between different scripts), as well as the architecture of the game as a whole.

Thank you for reading!


Nice smooth game!
Having in mind you focusing on parsing, which you managed to do perfectly well, I believe you could have improved the game time, meaning it is a tad too slow in my opinion.
Regarding the flux between the waves, the coins given and the game timer, that was brilliant, especially the “slowness” of the game timer…I never thought a fox could run in slow motion:)
All together job well done because you implemented what you set yourself out to do!


I really liked the experience, very smooth gameplay basically what @Patricia said overall is really good.

Keep up :muscle: @Artyom_Molchanov
Hope to see more launches in the future :grinning: I’m starting to do it also and I’m loving it

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Really fun version of the game, nicely done :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your review, @Patricia!

This was made absolutely like in Plants vs Zombies. I used to play PvZ on my smartphone and recorded how long it takes for different types of zombies to reach the end of the line, how much time passes between waves, how long a zombie destroys a particular plant etc.
So, timings roughly match the original game. Also, I added a variable “firstWaveDelay”, which equals 40 seconds. With additional coroutine, the game gives a player a little bit of time to think about his strategy.
The game has 5 levels, the 5th is the hardest, but the enemies’ speed is the same.

For code learning at first, I thought to use UML-diagrams, but in final created my own methodology. I can recommend the graphical approach to learn to every person who works with complexity.
For drawing I used the

@MalvadoEZY Thank you! It was a big step for me to complete this game and make it nice for every player.

@XtremeJam87 Thanks a lot! :raised_hands:

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Very nice approach indeed!

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