My plan for this course

I plan to do it from start to end in order. I want to see how a complex project takes hold.

I am building my own game and while it won’t have any combat to it, I believe there will be a ton of analogous game mechanics after looking through course materials. This will be the most advanced course I’ve taken and I think will create a solid foundation for my own game. Very excited!

P.S. I’m going to take a risk and start with the latest LTS 2021.3.xx I earlier took courses on Unity’s own website and have gotten used to the difference in UI between my version and what’s in lessons. If I really get stuck I’ll drop back to an earlier version.

You shouldn’t have any significant issues with the 2021.3 LTS versions. Biggest changes are in Cinemachine, as you’ll access these cameras from the GameObject menu (or right clicking New Cinemachine | Virtual Camera), that and they’ve added a lot more types of virtual cameras.

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