My pin doesn't collide with the ball

I’m in the part of collision with pin and ball. However, in your video the pin stop the ball. me the ball just go through it… I’ve put a rigidbody on the pin after but the pin just fly around when the rigidbody is set.

I don’t understand why that happen…

Can you post an image of one of your pins selected and another with the ball selected. It would help to see these and in particular their colliders to help diagnose the issue.

pin :


Put your rigidbody on the same level as your collider. If it still doesn’t work try changing the collision detection option to continuous.

When i do that, the collider fly around :sweat_smile:

That really weird…

i think i find the issue… the transform position does’nt reflect the model position…

Yeah be careful you’re not clipping through the lane as that can cause things to go crazy

Thank you for your help. :slight_smile:

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