My Pawn Spawns high above the ground

At the end of lecture 28 my Tank pawn is spawning at the Player Start but it is in the air. I tried adding gravity but that broke movement (and everything else). I have also tried to move the Player Start down but then it said BAD SIZE on the Player Start volume. Is there a variable that can be accessed on Player Start to address this or a something in my tank pawn that is causing this?

Please help me to keep my tank on the ground like all good tanks should be.

I have tried to manually adjust my position after spawning to be closer to the ground but then I stop being able to move. This suggests to me that some part of the tank is colliding with the floor but I can not see what it is. As can be seen below the tank base mesh is not touching the floor and as can be seen in the pawn blueprint the capsule collider ends just above the wheels. In this image below the tank will not move.

The collision doesn’t have to be perfect. Have you tried lowering the mesh a tiny bit?

I had an issue before with the tank sometime stopped being able to move forward so I adjusted the mesh to be lower then the collider by a tiny bit. But the amount it is flying in the top image would mean that I would have to move the mesh to be much lower then the collider to be near the ground. Also I have no idea why this is happening, I am worried that if I can not fix this in the tutorial game then I will have no chance in my own projects.

Am I wrong in thinking that the centre of the tank pawn (or any similar object) should be the centre of the root object? or am I able to move the collider itself down?

I can move the mesh down and I am still able to move but I would love to know why the collider has an issue with the ground when they are so far apart?

You are not.

You can only scale the root. You cannot rotate or move it, everything else is relative to it.

I think I would need to see your project in order to investigate further.

FWIW Stephen’s tank isn’t flush with the ground either.

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