My Obstacle Course


Great! i like your obstacle challenge! i like the background and the way this blocks turn. how long did it take you to make this?

thank you kindly :slight_smile:
my partner designed the background, i’ll be sure to pass on the compliment :smiley:
I did the majority of it following the Complete 3d Course, the jumping and lower section took me about 1hr30, I didnt pencil out a plan like its suggested in the course I just started putting things in, clicking play and seeing how it felt, if it was to awkward or didnt work i’d remove it or reshape it.

as a complete beginner whos never used unity or c# before im very proud of my silly little game :smiley:

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i think you can be! i have no idea about unity or c#. no idea at all, but i am curious to try this course :sweat_smile: very cool you posted your work, thank you :+1:

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I’m only 15% now into the complete course, onto project two and so far i cannot praise this enough, Rick who is your tutor explains things great, the lecture sessions are broken down into very manageable time chunks, I usually can only spare an hour a day, so the sectioned lessons are fantastic for managing your own time investment so not to get to lost. honestly, if you considered it i’d go for it :slight_smile:

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