My obstacle course

Since I have completed the 2D beginner course I decided to push myself to make as many modifications as I could with the knowledge I had!

It runs quite bad, I guess it’s due to the fact that the labyrinth walls are made by tons of spheres one inside the other. (I disabled their individual collider, though)


Cool, Great project! I reached the end and it said I bumped 11 times instead of just 2. I have the feeling the error is that instead of making a sum of 2 numbers the script concatenates 2 strings “1”+“1” = “11”.

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This is an amazing take on Obstacle Course, great creativity!

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I liked the little homer meme that you put in here. Very fun! Very creative. I liked the little story of you being a cart vendor. Very nice!

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I see you, Homer :mag_right: Really nice project, congrats!

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