My name and theme

Name - When pigs fly
Theme - You are a pig that scientists were experimenting on. Throughout the testing, you gained enhanced intelligence, the ability to fly, and the ability to leap back in time up to a few minutes(lives), however, these abilities are limited. Due to your enhanced intelligence, you realise what is happening to you and you try to escape using your abilities. Your job is to navigate and escape from the secret underground laboratory in order to see the outside world and to let the world know of your existence. Of course, the scientists and the government running the experiments realise your plans and send guards after you that are trying to catch you and keep your existence unknown to the outside.

How does it sound?

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Sounds amazing! Now where is spider-pig?

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Thanks! you just gave me an idea for an unlock-able skin Easter egg. Spider pig shall escape as well.

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Haha yes! I can’t wait!

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