My Mini Luxo Lamp Project

@Mark_Jackson @Hiju

If you guys are looking for some inspiration, you may consider trying out the Discord Collaboration group we have going. We have bi-monthly themed challenges going on and it’s all quite friendly. We have a Tower theme going on until the 27th and Backyards until the 4th. You guys should really check it out!

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This is simply awesome.

I have not been able to rig such structures properly. Could you please help me by sharing the bones view.

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Thanks Amit for the compliment.

Basically, you need a Inverse Kinematics chain to your mesh which you need to set up with one or two control bones.

My stem and base are separate and I also have a tiny little bone called bottom hinge.

The driver bone at the top of the inner arm chain connects along 4 bones until affects the bottom hinge bone. (This stops it moving the stem bone and allows it to angle the hinge frame forwards and backwards).

The shade also has an IK chain or two for itself and the stem bone. Applying IK restraints on them is relatively easy, although on the Driver bone, I was unable to apply any IK restraints correctly (perhaps switching off Auto IK will help but I’ve never tried it).

The back arm is parented to the front arm with cross section bones.

A word of advice from my experience. Make sure to set pose mode as rest pose before started to parent the one mesh lamp to the armature with the modifier. It’ll all go wrong if you don’t. Set rotation and scale in object mode for your mesh. When you connect your bones, finish with the base and make sure the base coords are applied so that Z points up.

Here’s my spring set up unhidden:

I also problems rigging this so below is the post I started to help me:

I have the family of bones shown but it you have any questions just ask :slight_smile:


Thank you so much @Mark_Jackson

I shall follow all instructions and bother you again in case I get stuck somewhere in the process.

Thanks and regards


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