My Mayan Temple - with a dodgy moon


I rather like your moon, the radiating light is a bit strong for moon but i would love to know how you got that effect.


Thank you - I wasn’t happy with the rotation but it looks ok in the render.

It’s just a thin slice of a cylinder with a white material with a fairly low emission value. As long as you have the Bloom enabled on Eevee it works ok.

I’ve got two vertical panes stood up behind and there’s a bit too much reflection.


So bloom huh ill check it out. Thank you!

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That reminds me when I made my mayan pyramid, I also added a moon in there! Very good looking.


Nice and well torch lit pyramid.

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Golden pyramid.

I really like this - yours is a great example of enhancing the scene with rocks, mountains and trees.

I’ve seen a few others who did this and it really makes it look complete.

What primatives do you use for mountains, is it just a deformed UV sphere or do you do something more custom?


They are just huge icospheres, some scaled on x axys, some on y and some on z

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Love the composition.

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