My Manual Retopo

I want to practice manual retopo. Below is my orc retopo head part.
Looking for feed back. Thanks you!


Are there too many poles at the side of the face?

@FedPete : no, for the neck pole I will rework on it. It just that as a beginner I don’t know if it a good topology or bad.

Finally done , with 20k Tris, Will it still usable as game character or not ?


I think so!
I see you’ve added special details for the bending areas, knees, elbows.
So import it in a game engine. And get new development experiences and insights.
It’s a great model!

I got struggle too much with bake normal map.
In normal map there is some part that got glitchy. but due to it out of UV map so I think I just ignore it.
During baking orc model. I need to do a different baking from Grant Abbitt. Because no matter what I try changing Ray Distance there still some part of my model got glitch (fix body then got head glitch, fix head then got body glitch). So I use Cage option to fix this issue :slightly_smiling_face:.

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